The world’s leading pilot selection tool
Selecting the best candidates for pilot training or pilot employment is a difficult, delicate, but extremely important task.
European Pilot Selection & Training (EPST), a leading ATO and pilot selection specialist based in the Netherlands, developed COMPASS™: Computerized Pilot Aptitude Screening System.
COMPASS™ is a computer based selection tool that fulfills the need for a reliable, objective, scientifically proven and cost-effective screening method. Pilot competencies as described in the IATA guidelines for pilot training are assessed in a variety of tests.
Since 1997, renowned airlines around the world have trusted COMPASS™ to help screen their future pilots. Training organizations from the UK to China, Russia to Australia, South Africa to the Netherlands have used COMPASS™ to see if a candidate is qualified for a career as a professional pilot.
How it works
After a short briefing candidates are seated behind the personal computer with COMPASS™ installed on it. Using on-screen instructions the system guides them through all aptitude tests automatically. Before each test, a short practice run is provided to the candidate. Tests include visual and audible elements and require input from the candidate using a joystick and rudder pedals.
After all tests have been completed, an automatic scoring and analysis report is available immediately. This report can be easily interpreted by non-expert staff and provides a clear picture of the candidate’s performance, his strengths and weaknesses, as well as an overal indication of flying aptitude.
Operator requirements
COMPASS™ can be provided in several languages; English, Chinese, in three different dialects, Turkish, Spanish and Russian. COMPASS™ can also be provided in your local language.
Reduce flight training failures
Over 140.000 completed COMPASS™ selection tests have proven to reduce the failure rate of flght training, resulting in valuable time and cost savings by reducing the need for extra training.
By using COMPASS™ as a selection tool, in combination with a standardized simulator assessment, it is possible to reduce the number of candidates failing their fl ight training to virtually zero. EPST’s failure rate since 1999 is less than 1,2%.