Type Rating Examiner (TRE) and Synthetic Flight Examiner (SFE)

General Information

The objective of TRE/SFE course is to train experience pilots which are holders of current TRI/SFI, to the standards required in order to be able to conduct skill tests and proficiency checks for associated class and type ratings. The privileges of a TRE for aeroplanes are to conduct:

Skill tests for the initial issue of type ratings for aeroplanes

Proficiency checks for revalidation or renewal of type ratings, EIRs and IRs

Skill tests for ATPL(A) issue

Skill tests for MPL issue

Assessments of competence for the issue, revalidation or renewal of a TRI or SFI certificate in the applicable aircraft category, provided that the examiner has completed at least 3 years as a TRE


TRE(A) and TRE(PL). Applicants for a TRE certificate for aeroplanes and powered-lift aircraft shall:

1. In the case of multi-pilot aeroplanes or powered-lift aircraft, have completed 1 500 hours of flight time as a pilot of multi-pilot aeroplanes, of which at least 500 hours shall be as PIC
2 Hold a CPL or ATPL and a TRI certificate for the applicable type
3. For the initial issue of an TRE certificate, have completed at least 50 hours of flight instruction as a TRI, FI or SFI in the applicable type or an FSTD representing that type.

TRE/SFE — Examiner Standardisation

1. Applicants for an examiner certificate shall undertake a standardisation course provided by the competent authority or by an ATO and approved by the competent authority.
2. The standardisation course shall consist of theoretical and practical instruction and shall include, at least:
  1. the conduct of 2 skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competences for the licences, ratings or certificates for which the applicant seeks the privilege to conduct tests and checks
  2. instruction on the applicable requirements in this part and the applicable air operations requirements, the conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence, and their documentation and reporting
  3. a briefing on the national administrative procedures, requirements for protection of personal data, liability, accident insurance and fees
  4. a briefing on the need to review and apply the items in (3) when conducting skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence of an applicant for which the competent authority is not the same that issued the examiner's certificate
  5. an instruction on how to get access to these national procedures and requirements of other competent authorities when needed;
3. Holders of an examiners certificate shall not conduct skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence of an applicant for which the competent authority is not the same that issued the examiner's certificate, unless they have reviewed the latest available information containing the relevant national procedures of the applicant's competent authority.

Dento ATO Generic TRE/SFE Standardisation Course Structure

In view of the above Dento’s ATO TRE/SFE Course is structured as follows:

Day 1

Ground School

Day 2

Written Exam + 1st Sim

Day 3

2nd Sim + 3rd Sim

Day 4

4th Sim + 5th Sim

Day 5

6th Sim + Check Course Washup
Note: Each sim session is 1hr each. In view that this is a generic course, the simulator training is not necessarily conducted on the same aircraft type as the one that the applicant is seeking to be qualified as an examiner.

After the successful completion of the above “TRE/SFE Standardisation Course”, further practice under supervision must be programmed with a qualified examiner prior to the Examiner Assessment of Competence (EAoC).

To the effect of the above, Dento ATO recommends the practice of minimum 4 x skill tests and proficiency checks on the specific aircraft which the applicants seek to be qualified – in order to maintain momentum, any delays must be kept to a minimum.

Examiners Assessment of Competence (EAoC) on the Specific A/C Type which the Applicant is seeking to be Qualified

The candidate TRE/SFE, shall demonstrate their competence to a Flight Ops Inspector (FOI) from the competent authority or a Senior Examiner (SE) specifically authorised to do so by the competent authority responsible for the examiner’s certificate through the conduct of a skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence in the examiner role for which privileges are sought, including briefing, conduct of the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, and assessment of the person to whom the test, check or assessment is given, debriefing and recording documentation .

Validity, Revalidation and Renewal of Examiner Certificates


An examiner certificate shall be revalidated when the holder has, during the validity period of the certificate:
  1. conducted at least 2 skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence every year

  2. attended an examiner refresher seminar provided by the competent authority or by an ATO and approved by the competent authority, during the last year of the validity period.

  3. One of the skill tests or proficiency checks completed during the last year of the validity period in accordance with (1) shall have been assessed by an inspector from the competent authority or by a senior examiner specifically authorised to do so by the competent authority responsible for the examiner’s certificate.

  4. When the applicant for the revalidation holds privileges for more than one category of examiner, combined revalidation of all examiner privileges may be achieved when the applicant complies with the requirements in (a and b) above.


If the certificate has expired, applicants shall comply with the requirements of (b and c).


An examiner certificate shall be valid for 3 years


It is always highly recommended to have two trainees training together for a TRE/SFE Course because people learn more by ‘watching others’.

Refresher Seminars for TREs & SFEs

This course is for pilots that wishes to either Revalidate or Renew their TRI or SFI Certificates.

AMC1 FCL.1025 Validity, Revalidation and Renewal of Examiner Certificates

The refresher training for revalidation or renewal of the TRE and SFE certificates should be provided as a seminar. As such the seminar is held in the form of either two-way online meetings (teleconferencing) or face-to-face. The content of the refresher seminar for revalidation is complying to the above mentioned AMCs which in fact follows the content of the examiner standardisation course, included in AMC1 FCL.1015, and take into account specific contents adequate to the category of examiner affected.

Course Fees

  • Two-way online meetings – teleconferencing:
    EUR 400
  • Face-to-face – classroom:
    EUR 450
Classroom Training Location: Abu Dhabi, Larnaca, London and Paris.

IAA - Prerequisites for Examiners Request Form